Reclaiming Your Energy: Productivity Tips for Female Founders

As a highly motivated and committed entrepreneur and business owner there have definitely been times in my business-life when I have burnt the candle at both ends and sacrificed my energy and personal wellbeing for the greater good - that being the good of everyone else. I wanted to make sure my customers were getting the most amazing service and value, the team were happy, motivated and productive - and that all elements of the business were running smoothly…. Oh, and then there is family to look after as well. 

Running at pace without stopping for water or rest is a recipe for disaster and certainly is not sustainable in the long term. For myself, and many female founders and executives I have worked with, the recognition that you’re running on empty often comes far too late.

These days I am much better at checking in and recognising when I need to make some adjustments to my life so that I can reclaim my energy in order to be the best boss, business person, mother, friend I can be. 

Reclaiming your energy is key to maintaining productivity, enthusiasm, and a balanced life. Here, I’ll share some practical productivity tips to help you reclaim your time and energy, boost your efficiency, and find more hours in your day to focus on what truly matters.

Useful Tips & Takeaways I will cover in this article - along with some activities for you to put into action:

  • Identifying energy drains and boosters

  • The importance of setting boundaries

  • Creating a self-care toolkit

Identifying Time-Wasters and Priorities

Before we can reclaim your energy, we need to identify where it’s slipping away. Time-wasters can be sneaky, but by bringing them into the light, we can tackle them head-on.

Spotting the Time Drains: Time-wasters often lurk in our daily routines without us even noticing. Common culprits include excessive email checking, unnecessary meetings, and the notorious social media rabbit hole. Let’s uncover yours.

Activity- Time-Waster Audit: Track your daily activities for one week. Note down everything you do and how long it takes. Highlight any activities that don’t contribute to your goals or well-being.

Setting Your Priorities: Once we’ve identified the time-wasters, it’s time to set your priorities straight. Prioritizing tasks can help you focus on what truly matters and eliminate distractions.

Activity - Priority Mapping: When it comes to making priorities I like to keep things simple. At the close of a Friday I create the key tasks and time blocks for the following week and also list any key priorities for the week ahead. I will review this on a Sunday to make any changes and then at the start of each day I list my top 3 priorities for that day. This is a very simple way to ensure that your energy is focused on the right things every day to accomplish what is needed.

Setting Boundaries

Boundaries are essential for protecting your time and energy. They help you focus on what truly matters and say no to what doesn’t. They teach people how to respect your time and energy and they set the standard for how you look after yourself.

Boundaries are not about building walls; they’re about creating a safe space for your priorities. Whether it’s time boundaries (e.g., no work after 6 PM), work boundaries (e.g., no meetings on Fridays), or personal boundaries (e.g., no interruptions during family time), setting clear and consistent limits is crucial.

Activity - Boundary Setting Exercise: Identify one area in your business life and one area in your personal life where you need a boundary. Write it down and commit to implementing it for the next two weeks. Reflect on how it impacts your time and energy in your journal.

Mastering Delegation

Delegation isn’t just about off loading tasks; it’s about empowering your team and freeing up your time for what only you can do.

Delegation is a powerful tool for boosting productivity. Start by identifying tasks that don’t require your unique expertise. Ask yourself: Can someone else do this? If the answer is yes, delegate it. I also love the simple concept of looking at the value of the tasks you are completing in your day. Do you have a bunch of $10 jobs on your list when as the boss you should be focused on the $1,000 job?

Activity- Delegation Worksheet: List your daily tasks and mark the ones that can be delegated. Assign these tasks to team members and provide clear instructions. Follow up to ensure completion.

Time Blocking for Success

Time blocking is a powerful technique that involves scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks. This helps you stay focused and ensures that important tasks get the attention they deserve.

Time blocking helps you create a structured schedule that balances work and personal time. By allocating specific times for different tasks, you can avoid multitasking and increase your efficiency (yes please!!!!). In order to make the most of this process, it’s best to understand when YOU work best on certain types of activities. Personally, I am a morning person so I always schedule any creative or high brain function tasks first thing in the day. I also find that blocking time in 90-minute chunks works best for me and keeps me fresh and on task.

Activity - Time Blocking Template: Print off a calendar week and get to work! Block out time for work tasks, personal activities, and self-care. Stick to your schedule and adjust as needed.

Creating Your Self-Care Toolkit

Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Taking care of yourself ensures you have the energy and focus to tackle all of the things in business and in life. It’s time to treat yourself as your most important asset in business.

The great thing about creating a self-care toolkit is that it should cater specifically to YOU. Find the things that make the most difference to you. A balanced toolkit should have elements that nurture your physical, mental and spiritual (no rolling eyes here!!) wellbeing, and be utilised consistently. Having routines and rituals make these a habit instead of just a passing thought.

Think about relaxation techniques (like listening to mindfulness sessions and deep breathing), journaling, healthy snacks, exercise routines, and anything else that helps you recharge.

Activity - Self-Care Schedule: Plan at least one self-care activity each day for the next week. If you don’t have a journal - start one as one of the items on your list and create a habit of daily reflection and awareness of how these activities make you feel.

Reflect and Plan Ahead

Congratulations on taking the first step towards reclaiming your energy! Reflect on what you’ve learned and plan how you’ll continue to implement these strategies.

Reclaiming your energy is about making small, intentional changes that add up to a big impact. By identifying time-wasters, setting boundaries, mastering delegation, time blocking, and prioritizing self-care, you can find more hours in your day to do the work you love and enjoy personal well-being.

Making changes isn’t always easy so my advice is to not be too hard on yourself. Missed going for a walk or doing a meditation? That’s ok - start again tomorrow. If you build your energy replenishment toolkit over time you will be so much better equipped to deal with the seasons of business-life as they roll through.

You’ve taken a huge step towards reclaiming your time and energy. Keep going! Join our community of like-minded women for support and inspiration, or consider a personalised coaching session for more tailored advice. Together, we can achieve balance and thrive in both business and life.

Sarah x


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